An event every week that begins at 9:00 am on Tuesday, repeating until June 30, 2020
Beginning Thursday, June 11 Yoga on the Green will be held Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 9 – 10 am throughout the summer, weather permitting. Meet on the Green. The site mitigation plan limits participation to 50 people, including instructors, and is on a first come, first served basis. Participants are asked to wear a face covering and space mats at least 6 feet apart. Practicing on the Park Green is unlike any class you’ve ever taken. Surrounded by the beauty of nature, delicate gardens and serene pond, you’ll find the peace and stillness is unmatched in the Botanic Park. Please bring a face mask, mat or towel, water, sunscreen, and bug spray. Please walk, bike, or carpool to yoga whenever possible as we have limited parking. If you drive, you must park in designated Botanic Park parking spaces. Overflow parking exists on Ski Town Way. A $10 donation is requested and all donations go directly to support the Botanic park. For info call/text Patty 970-846-5608. Patty is a Certified Chopra Center Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist and Educator, Meditation teacher, Nia Instructor and former Thai Yoga Massage Bodyworker.
The instructor on Tuesdays in June is Ally.